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Jumping01 december 201329 November — 1 December, were the dates when the Ukrainian President Show Jumping Cup Final took place at Zhashkiv Stud farm — «Parade Allure».
Jumping27 october 2013The Final of the equestrian show-jumping competition called “Flying Horse Cup” was held on the territory of “Antonov-Agro” horse riding club, in Kruglik village nearby Kiev on October, 27. 85 equestrian pares took part in 6 rounds in different classes: 85 cm, 100 cm, 115 cm, 125 cm and 145 cm.
Jumping29 july 2013National tournament on jumping- "EFU's Presidnet Cup" - launched
Jumping29 july 2013In May this year in the fields of equestrian sport club “Donbass Equicentre" a series of prestigious international tournaments on jumping with a final stage of four-star level commenced.
Jumping29 july 2013May 21-23 in Donetsk racing category CSI3 * - 2nd Round of "Donbass tour" took place.